Thursday, May 31, 2007

Live Journal Strikes Out

Live Journal recently showed really poor judgment in getting involved with a group calling itself "Warriors for Innocence" [their main site is going deliberately unlinked due to the spyware infestations] which apparently should be renamed Warriors for Installationofspyware. A huge outcry penetrated the web right into such places as C/Net, Boing-Boing, and Perverted Justice [as of 5/30 and 5/31,P.J. noted that L.J. does not seem to know the difference between fanfic involving Harry Potter and real-life pedos who are into sex with children]. Live Journal suspended the accounts of individuals and communities involved with B.D.S.M., fanfic, rapefic, surviving childhood sexual abuse, and fashion right along with some folks expressing pedophilic ideas. And discussions about the novel Lolita. Then there was the "explanation" about interest lists equaling "I like _____." Stupid, stupid, stupid. Apologies are nice sometimes but it might take far more than that to fix this. Warriors for installationofspyware cross-posted a "Wall of Shame" to two of their blogspot sites.

There are many banners and icons floating around l.j. regarding the strikeout. Evie_dux over at has created the one that heads this post and she has some more that are very cool.

Reading through the blogspot sites [yes, plural] of those supposedly involved in ridding the net of pedophiles [links cited above] and following the profiles of those involved yields quite the picture of who these people are. The cursing is proficient [and I thought I was good at it] and there is name-calling of the variety that divides people into several camps-- fundie christians who are for what they are "doing," pedophiles, and pedoheads [--defenders of pedos, if I am reading this stuff correctly]. There are threats to "investigate," direct statements that this group of vigilantes will "follow" those who abandon Live Journal to other sites where the reporting and contact with advertisers will continue.

These people have no listing of resources for those who have been victimized by the pedos, no mission statement, no legalese, nothing that legit sites like Perverted Justice has in plain site. Ya know what, if I get listed as a pedohead for posting this blog, then so be it. I know who I am and what I am not.

Folks who have survived rape, folks who are fanfics, folks who are not straight or republican or a particular variety of literalist christian, folks who like Harry Potter, folks who have read the novel Lolita and want to discuss it, folks not deserve to be roped into the category of pedo, pedo-defender, or potential pedo.

Folks who are after kids for illicit sex [I will not call it "childlove" because it is not] whether on the internet or off the internet should be civilly committed for life, perhaps given housing on prison grounds within the gates. As for the rest of us, those of us who are civils, leave us the hell alone and we will do the same for you.

radical sapphoq

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