Sunday, May 19, 2013

It's All Happening at the Pool

The Center for Disease Control has written a nifty little report indicating that there is bacterial shit in 58% of the samples from public pools in Atlanta, Georgia.  Among the recommendations are to shower before getting into a pool, change diapers away from the pool area, and don't get into a public pool if you have the runs.  For sure, don't swallow any water from public pools.  People got paid to conduct this study and then to write this report.  What I want to know is this:  Did anyone doubt the presence of fecal matter and urine in public pools before this great report came out?  

One out of five Americans has [or admits to having] peed in pool water.  Some higher up there ought to commission a study of the presence of urine in public pools.  Wait.  It's not necessary.  There are some number of people who drink their own urine, use urine topically to "treat" infections, swear that urine applied topically is good for the skin, and think that urine is good for maintaining the whiteness of their teeth.  Urine-drinking is an ancient practice.  So carry on.  Go ahead and keep peeing in the pool water.  Uh, no.  Seriously, don't.

radical sapphoq says:  Here's a recommendation that I did not find in the c.d.c. pages or in the news reports referenced below: Shower AFTER you get out of the public pool.  Just maybe, a warm shower and the use of soap might succeed in knocking the stray e. coli and the urinary contributions of your pool pals off of your skin.



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