Monday, January 01, 2007


Hussein is dead. The American Friends Service Committee [Quakers] condemned the hanging before procedural questions regarding his trial were investigated. Human Rights Watch, an organization which condemned the trial, continues to protest his swift death just before sunup the other day and at the beginning of the Muslim eid named Eid al-Adha-- a day associated with clemency and devotion. Although Cuba still has the death penalty, the country condemned Saddam Hussein's hanging as one that was carried out by force of the occupation of Iraq by the United States rather than due to the wishes of Iraq itself. The Iraqi government is launching a probe into reports of the taunting of Hussein by gallows guards. There is video and photos available on the web which depicts the actual hanging itself-- more than Americans were shown on their teevee sets.

Saddam was hanged on the gallows that his own secret police used for similar hangings. His body was buried in Ramadi, near his hometown of Awja in Northern Iraq.

radical sapphoq says: Good Riddance. I don't care that the United Nations, the Vatican, the European Union and others have condemned his hanging. Saddam Hussein was on trial for crimes against humanity when the order to rush his execution came in. Violence and civil unrest continue in Iraq, Bush 43 considers his death a democratic victory, and there are accusations abounding that his trial was "illegal." I would have been willing myself to pull the switch [hanging is perhaps more intellectually honest but I am after all a Westerner] and willing to endure any "karma" for thinking that I have the right to judge Saddam Hussein for the things he did while alive. I know what I know. Regardless of how he got into power or his brutal childhood or any other factor, Saddam Hussein followed in Mohammed's bloody footsteps. I will not be leaving flowers at his grave.

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