Wednesday, January 24, 2007


In the latest evidence that we are becoming a mental hell nation, an actor voluntarily entered counseling after calling another actor a "faggot." Isaiah Washington apparently used the offensive epitaph towards actor T.R. Knight [who actually was not present] during an argument or disagreement. Washington also met with folks from GLSEN and he has agreed to help out in some campaign designed to teach those not in the know how hateful and painful the word "faggot" is.

In a loose nod to "NoNameCallingWeek," I myself a bisexual dyke, have to admit a certain state of perplexity over why a disagreement or an argument between two actors off-stage or backstage is even worthy of news reporting. Hopefully, the talk therapy that Isaiah Washington gets will do more than just teach him to "play nicely with others."

The use of the word FAGGOT is not the problem. The problem is a society which has been white-washed by political correctness into intellectual dishonesty. I would much rather know directly that someone just doesn't like me-- whether it is because of my sexual orientation or any other -ism-- than have people be phony to my face and real behind my back.

But then again, I've been accused of some rather froward thinking.

radical sapphoq

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