Monday, August 20, 2007

Michael Woodbury

In today's Portland Herald was an article detailing the guilty plea of Michael Woodbury to the senseless murder of
three guys. Woodbury had entered a store in Conway thinking about stealing a car. Instead, he shot the store owner
[Woodbury was wanted in five states and did not wish the store owner to be able to identify him] and then shot down
the two guys blocking his exit from the store. He ran off in the woods, was found walking along some railroad
tracks, and confessed everything to the cops. Against the advice of his attorney, Woodbury did the only decent thing
and pled guilty. He declined to raise the "I am severely mentally ill" defense. Instead he chose to acknowledge
his responsibility and stated that he was not fit to be allowed in society. He was sentenced to life without any
possibility of parole.

Woodbury had begged not to turned loose out of prison on May 4th after his last sentence was done. He had written
a letter to prison officials asking to be sent to the state hospital. So consequently when he got out, he went on
a five state crime spree and ended it in the sixth state by shooting down three men.

So goes it. Seems to me that if a guy is saying, "Hey, I feel like killing people" someone should pay attention to
that and care enough to make arrangements to send him onward to the state hospital.

Or perhaps Michael Woodbury could have found a way to turn himself in [breaking a window in a local emergency room
while screaming, "I am the lamb of god" comes to mind] and garner enough attention to make it stick. It seems these
days that only the NAMI mommies are successful at getting anyone committed for psych treatment.

I'm sorry that he got out of prison to commit more crimes and then to off three people. I rejoice that Michael
Woodbury chose to stop the perpetration of attorney-sponsered fraud and allow himself to be put away for life.

There may not be any winners in this whole state of affairs, but at least there won't be any more losers.

radical sapphoq

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