Monday, January 14, 2013

Dear Courtni Webb

Dear Courtni Webb,

I was infuriated to find out that your school principal suspended you for writing a poem in your personal notebook.  In my opinion, what happened to you is wrong.  Professionals can and do make mistakes.  Your principal made a mistake by suspending you.  Your teacher made a mistake by looking through your personal notebook.  Seizure of your personal property and then suspending you for your thoughts and feelings is a violation of your civil rights.  It is unfortunate that Life Learning Academy decided to violate your civil rights.  I am relieved to read that you are back at school and not expelled.

I thought your comparison to Stephen King was spot-on.  I've read almost all of his books.  He knows a lot about a lot of topics.  His writing reflects his knowledge.  And yes, he writes about horrible things.  He is a horror writer.  To understand horror is a burden.  And like Stephen King, your writing demonstrates that indeed you  understand horror.

Some people who truly understand horror become writers like Stephen King.  Others become crime fighters-- hostage negotiators, investigators, civil rights activists.  A few are murdered for their understanding.  Martin Luther King was one man who practiced  non-violence and died for what he believed in.

Courtni, your poem should be published in a book or a magazine.  I think your writing is that good.  Please do not allow the censorship of your self-expression to sour you on writing.  I hope that you keep on writing if you want to.  And I hope that you do want to keep on writing.  When you are ready, you may consider getting published in zines and litmags [Look in your public library for the annual Poets Market and Writers Market books], writing a poetry chapbook, reading your work at open mic nights.  I'm going to remember your name Courtni Webb because I believe that you are going to be known.  Someday, your poem will be taught to high school students and your story told as an example of blatant censorship of poets and writers.  I believe this and I believe in you.

Yours in the Struggle,

radical sapphoq

References can be found by typing "Courtni Webb" into your search engine.

Here are a few of the many that I read:

An article by my blogging buddy Chrystal Mahan here:

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