Saturday, February 16, 2013

Teachers Arrested in China

Two teachers were arrested in China in October of 2012.  Their crimes? Abusing kids in the classroom.  The incidents led to an outcry among people who use the Chinese micro-blogging service called Weibo.  They saw the first picture of a teacher pulling on a young boy's ears, uncovered personal details and more pictures of kids in her classroom being abused on her micro-blog, and agitated for her arrest.  A second teacher in a different province was also fired for abusing kids in her classroom.  The Chinese users of Weibo spoke up loudly and clearly. 

Meanwhile, here in the United States we continue to send our teens off to dangerous troubled teen industry facilities with documented histories of abuse, torture, rape, and death.  How barbaric!  There are many pictures and videos on the internet for our perusal. There are survivor testimonies, reddits, forums.  There are web pages set up as memorials to the kids who went off to these places-- boot camps, religious boarding "schools," behavioral modification facilities, wilderness expeditions et. al.-- and didn't return alive.  Yet, we cannot or will not educate ourselves.  We have self-designated teen behavioral experts, talk show hosts, and educational consultants advising us to ship our teens out to these disgusting places.  We have learned nothing.  We have become immune to horror.  The many pictures and videos ready and available for our immediate consumption clearly illustrate that this abuse exists.  Where is the public outcry?  Our "experts" and teen seminar leaders tell us that the kids are troubled, manipulative, liars.  Workers on staff in the troubled teen institutions routinely advise parents that their teens will complain and to discount anything that the teen tells them.  

Teens get sent off to these places and then discover that there is no way to contact their parents by phone or letter without direct staff oversight.  There is no way to contact a state official to complain about mistreatment.  [N.B.  And religious schools operate extralegally].  There is little if any contact with the outside world.  The kids are isolated.  Sometimes they are told that sleep and food are not rights.  Sometimes they are not allowed to communicate with other teens around them.  Sometimes they are placed in isolation rooms for weeks or months.  Sometimes they are forcibly given powerful drugs.  Sometimes they are raped, beaten, mocked.  Sometimes face-plant restraints are used on them.  Sometimes their medical complaints are ignored or discounted.  Sometimes they die.

And yet, the unknowing and willfully ignorant American public rally around strangers who claim to be able to get through to our teens.  We sign away our parental rights, allow teens to be forcibly removed from our homes, turn them over to places sight unseen that claim to treat a variety of teen ills.  Yeah, there is something wrong with this picture.

radical sapphoq says:  Wake up.  Parenting is your job and your responsibility.  Before signing up your child for any program or service, get informed about the pros and cons.  Type the name of the place that you are considering sending your kid to followed by the word "survivors," "abuse," "lawsuit," or "critics."  Investigate the alternatives.  Know your options.  Underneath the shiny suits and self-assured sales pitches may be people who are interested in your wallet.  Some people out there are sick, much sicker than your rebellious teen.  Some people are slimy.  The agendas of the troubled teen industry may not match your own.  Not everyone wishes us well.  Not everyone has our best interests or the best interests of our teens at heart.  Politicians can be bought.  Politicians may share a religious ideology with a popular teen "expert" or with those who are running a particular troubled teen service.  These are uncomfortable truths that I and others have written about.  You ignore them at your peril and at the peril of your "troubled" teen.  [note: slide show toward the bottom right]


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