Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Website Attention Whore

You might be a website attention whore if
you consistently answer tweets with other tweets stating who [you think] you are.  Your tweets are repetitive and add nothing new to any conversation that is not about you.

You might be a website attention whore if
you have a serious problem with people wondering if you are a Fed or have been compromised by the Feds.  You issue veiled threats about getting [a.k.a. your version of] the facts "straight" if your detractors are questioning who [you think] you are.  ORLY?

You might be a website attention whore if
you consistently direct people to your website, apropos of nothing.  Because, after all, you are famous and you have a part to play in the Big Event coming up soon.

You might be a website attention whore if
in spite of claiming that you are a part of Anonymous, your picture is all over your tweets, your profile, and the web.  Not even the New Bloods are taken in by your act.  They may not have figured out what's up with you but they know your actions don't pass the sniff test.

You might be a website attention whore if
you think your website is your claim to fame, you drop names in your sincere belief that dropping those names will endow you with an unearned creditability.  Here's a clue:  Most of us have never freaking heard of you anyway.  Nor do we give a damn.

You might be a website attention whore if
you have been found to be not worthy of being called an ego fag.  By the way, you are sadly lacking as even an ego fag.  Ego fags have more going for them than you do.  Ego fags can be rehabilitated. 

All of the above are my opinions about some of what constitutes a website attention whore.  I have run into some number of people over the last decade that I think of as website attention whores.  Ergo, the above is a composite and not specifically directed at anyone.  If you think this is about you, you are wrong.  If you think some of this sounds like you, you have some things to think about should you choose to think.

Now, back to the Revolution!
Up the radicals!

radical sapphoq

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