Sunday, October 08, 2006


This morning on the teevee, we watched a newscaster attempting to dialogue with one democrat senator and one republican senator about the republican senator who was asked to resign. The latest scandal is that Senator Mark Foley was [allegedly] sending sexual e-mails to some male high school pages, showed up drunk one night looking for sex, and may or may not have had some sort of sex with one of them. "Under-aged" is the word that was stressed.

The democrat naturally insisted that somehow the republican was supposed to know of Mark Foley's actions, did know and didn't take any action soon enough, blah blah blah. The republican was fairly vocal about the fact that one Mark Foley's actions came to light, his resignation was immediately demanded. Both senators were heavy on the idea of a full investigation though for different reasons. Neither one mentioned the fact that the ex-senator is currently in treatment for "alcoholism and behavioral disorders." Neither one talked about the idea that any senator is not supposed to be sending any sort of personal e-mails during work time. [Well, at least I hope that they aren't supposed to be.]

When I first heard this story, I thought that the pages in question were college kids. That made it a bit less hideous to my way of thinking. High school kids though gave me pause. Why would any grown adult want to get it on with any high school kid? Mark Foley is old.
Quite frankly, I was also a bit put out that Mark Foley self-identified as being "gay." Personally, I DON'T WANT HIM IN THE NON-STR8 COMMUNITY. The fact that an adult goes after underaged teens of the same gender does NOT make him gay [or her a lesbian. I know that there are woman pedophiles out there too]. I don't care that he has an addiction to alcohol or a "behavioral disorder." He is an ex-senator. That is too bad in a way. He should go rot in a prison cell with the other pedophiles where he can have all the gay sex he doesn't want. Meanwhile, he is in a place that will probably drug him and teach him that he is powerless over his recent actions.

~radical sapphoq

P.S. I could not figure out from the democrat senator's comments exactly how the republicans were supposed to "know" these things were going on. There was no clear-cut evidence presented on the news show I watched this morning [names, dates, written records] of who allegedly might have reported concerns about Mark Foley several years ago.

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