Monday, October 09, 2006


The problem I have with the whole thing-- well okay, several.

As an adult [and a politician] Mark Foley had the option to report the e-mails/instant messages sent to him by pages which were flirty/leading him on/looking for a gay bashing instead of responding to them.
I wasn't able to find the links to any articles that pointed to a possible gay bashing.
Even if it was a gay bashing/attempted gay bashing/outing of a closeted older gay male republican politican by the younger high school pages, Mark Foley had the option to not respond and to direct his concerns about any of this stuff to his superiors i.e. his bosses.
So the idea that this situation is a result of some high school kids fooling around-- looking to trap Mark Foley in some way, shape, or form or have fun with the affections or affectations of an older closeted gay republican politician does not, in my mind, excuse any of it--
as the adult, Mark Foley had the responsibility to report THEIR overly friendly sexy etc emails/ims to the boss.

BTW, I know that many gay men do talk about "twinkies" [blond on the outside, fluffy on the inside, ie younger and much younger gay men] at least in
Albany NY they do. Most of them have the sense to wait until their twinkies are of legal drinking age or out of high school. A few of them or some of them DON'T.

Therein lies the sickness. That Mark Foley, regardless of the reason, would e-mail/IM back to any page [or anyone period during working hours but that is my second issue] messages alluding to his underwear or any question along the lines of, "Do you find me sexy?" or "Do you find me attractive?" Especially when said pages were still in high school regardless of whether or not they were legal tender.

Lawyers are paid to make scum look good and less-than-scum look better. So I believe that Mark Foley was asked/forced/mandated to resign rather than the words of his lawyer that he volunteered to resign [before asked/forced/mandated to].
The fact that the democrats are attempting to use this stuff as shit-fodder for the upcoming election just points to me the nature of politics.
There is also the alleged upcoming testimony of one page now 18 from Louisiana who allegedly had sex with Mark Foley while he was fifteen. I can understand why a victim of a perpetrator would wait several years to come forward with this stuff, having been there myself.
It does seem a bit over-convenient to the democrats for all this to come out now.

As far as the republicans covering the whole thing up, I don't buy that.
Mark Foley's seat was a "safe" republican seat, the republicans have been traditionally associated with non-championship of some civil rights for glbt americans, and it was republicans who were in the forefront of reporting their suspicions about Mark Foley and the pages to their bosses.

The other problem I have is this man was working while allegedly looking for his thrills with the high school pages [or getting suggestive messages and responding to them in the same manner]. Bill Clinton was on the job too when he did some of his down and dirty stuff. But Bill was a democrat. We have Genevieve Flowers, Paula somebody or other, and Monica who didn't have the sense to send her dress to the dry cleaners.

I wonder if the democratic response would have been any different [that is to say, yup, it woulda. after all, Barney Frank got to keep his young lover in a paid-for-by-the-taxpayers apartment] had Mark Foley been a democrat.

Make sure to check out my friend Jeremy Crow's blog for another refreshing take on the subject at:

radical sapphoq

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